We begin the competition molding process early.

All Competition Creates Division & Conflict

Concerned Global Citizen
2 min readDec 5, 2019

If we look at the very nature of all competition we should soon see that it’s one of divisiveness in that it creates the notion of a “winner” which of course cannot exist without also creating the notion of a “looser” since everything that exists does so as a pair of opposites. Therefore, we may see yet again another creation of thought which divides us into these two categories.

By dividing us into these two categories it then goes on to breed conflict in us by sending the message to the “looser” that “they’re no good”, or they’re somehow unworthy, or in other words, it’s a rejection of one’s being… an act which ultimately “un-affirms”, or denies one’s very existence.

Therefore, the author sees the whole notion of “winner”(and thusly “looser”) as a quite detrimental and damaging one(and there are many) to the human psyche because it is a message of denial of our right to exist simply because “we are”.

The subtext of it is “your not good enough, and in order to be good enough you must be like this(fill in the blank), or do this(fill in the blank), or have this(fill in the blank), etc.”. This subtext is precisely the mechanism which creates the internal conflict because it creates the division between what one presently is, and what one should be/shouldn’t be/needs to be/doesn’t need to be/must have/must not have/etc..

This division experienced as the state of “non-compliance” in the present with some state of “compliance” to be obtained at some point in the future. This state of non-compliance manifests as the desire “to win”, or achieve as well as give rise to the phenomena of psychological time.

The desire then goes on to create ill feelings as one struggles to compete. The ill feelings are generated by the desire to not loose, or the fear and anxiety of not winning or achieving. The feelings may also take the form of regret as the desire to “not have lost” which is especially mentally painful, just ask any “sore looser”.

Now… if we’ve been together thus far… then see if you see this:

The entire world pretty much runs on competition.

If we can take the above statement deeply within and grasp the enormity of its implications, we may then see the case and need for the urgency to understand the root of all mankind’s problems… thought itself.

Is any of this true?

Please examine this for yourself without any motive, for if you have a motive it will dictate the answer.



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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