The Black Lives Matter “Movement” Contains Within Itself The Guarantee Of Everlasting Struggle
We can observe together how it is that when we “move” to affect an outer change before undergoing an inner change, we’re destined to repeat.
First we must see exactly how the very notion, the very idea, the assertion itself which states “Black Lives Matter” actually exists. We are endeavoring to study the anatomy and the structure of language and conceptuality itself, something entirely central to all human life on the planet, and responsible for our civilization. We’re interested in the characteristics and properties of thought just like a scientist would study a virus under a microscope.
To understand how the “Black Lives Matter” movement, or any movement, or any assertion, contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction we must first see the actual structure, the actual scaffolding upon which language and conceptuality itself is built.
Let’s look together at what it means when something is “asserted”. To assert a concept means to “create”, to “bring forth”, to summon into existence something which previously did not exist. This assertion-creation has to come from, or come out of something. It doesn’t come from nothing. And the only place it can come from is out of the whole that already is, that already exists independent of the impulse of thought to create. The building materials of creation if you’d like. So when we make an assertion, we’re conceptually defining something. We are, in effect drawing a line, circumference, or border to “create” something.
Imagine a large white canvas laid out on a black floor. Imagine someone comes along and cuts a perfect circle out of this white canvas. As the white circular cut out is removed, another circle remains. A black circle in the exact shape or pattern as the cut out. This would be the inverse, or negative circle of the white circle. We see that the reason this inverse circle exists is because the remaining white fabric also forms the image of the circle that was cut out. Therefore, that circle that was cut actually exists in two ways as opposed to just the single white cutout. That single white cutout is defined by the remaining white fabric just as much as it is by itself. It‘s like a photographic negative. This is how everything in creation exits…, as a pair of opposites.
So now, imagine that the assertion “Black Lives Matter” is the circle that is cut out in the previous analogy. This means that there is an inverse which must now also exist along side the cutout as each totally depends on the other in order to be defined, in order to come into existence. Each creates, contains, and maintains the other. That is, the creation of the one simultaneously also creates it’s negative, inverse, or opposite. So in the case of “Black Lives Matter” the only way for such an assertion to exist is to also implicitly imply a negative/inverse of “Black Lives DO NOT Matter”. The subtext of what this slogan is saying, is that “black lives really do matter, because we’re being treated as if they don’t matter…”. Therefore, by continuing to say “Black Lives Matter”, it also continues to create it’s opposite, and create its opposition, as “No…, Black Lives Do Not Matter”. The continued, sustained believe in “Black Lives Matter”, also continues the sustained belief in “Black Lives Do Not Matter”. That is, it also creates the idea in peoples heads that black lives don’t matter. So it also creates it’s own resistance, and therefore the opportunity for perpetual struggle.
It really boils down to the phenomena of “directionality”. As soon as you move “left”, you create “right”. Therefore, as an assertion is itself a movement in a particular direction, call it “left”, it will automatically create the opposite direction as “right”. Please see this article for an illustration.
So then what do we do?
We then move even harder in the “left” direction in an effort to overcome the created opposing “right” direction which then re-creates and re-defines both all over again and creates what is otherwise known as a “vicious circle”.
“Everything Affirmed Contains Its Own Opposite, And Effort To Overcome Strengthens That Against Which It Strives” — J.Krishnamurti
To look further into this phenomena, please see this article as well.
Can anybody actually identify a single movement that has actually been achieved and sustained? A sustained movement that hasn’t had to exist without the possibility of changing back to the thing that it was created to “change?”
Is any of this true?
Please examine this to see for yourself without any motive, for if you have a motive it will dictate the answer.