Dependence On Knowledge Produces The Need For Predictability, Reliability, And Constancy

Concerned Global Citizen
2 min readJun 22, 2020

Why? Because it is this “knowledge” and “knowing” that forms the basis of all our actions, both present and future. It’s what guides us along. Therefore we must be constantly engaged in accumulating and acquiring ever increasing mounds, and piles of data to ensure continued stability.

We allow knowledge to both “form” our opinions and views, and “inform”, or instruct us as to how to proceed in the present. Furthermore, to not only know how to act in the present, but know how to continue to act going forward in the future in order to establish a sense or feeling of predictability, and therefore constancy, and therefore security. So we rely then on this repetition, on the limited, repetitive nature of thought to provide security.

Except there is one immense problem with this:

Since the very nature of knowledge is one based on accumulation, which is based on time, and because time flows serially like a river, knowledge is always incomplete. There is always more to know. Therefore knowledge always also implies ignorance. This also follows from what we know about the dual properties of creation in that absolutely everything that exists, exists as a pair of “positive” and “negative” opposites. Every thought concept is also limited in its nature in that for any concept to exist, it can only do so against an opposite, or negative concept as in a “thing”(positive) and “not thing”(negative).

Because thought is based on time it is never new, and is always old. It’s based on what was, it’s always based on the past. Knowledge is used to measure, compare, judge, record, repeat. All it can ever do is repeat the past. Knowledge/thought definitely has its proper place and usage to function in the present moment of daily existence, but it has no place in human relationships.

So the problem with all of this then is that we are conditioned(programed with thought) to constantly be guided by this “limited” knowledge that is itself thought. Therefore, the only types of things that have been, and will ever come from thought will also be limited because their progenitor is also limited. The limited nature of thought then produces the exact unpredictability, unreliability, and therefore potential for impermanence that thought is itself constantly working to ameliorate.

Our dependence on this limited thought therefore then goes on to have a devastatingly destructive, and deadly effect on us. We’ve been using thought for our entire time on this planet without first truly understanding exactly what it actually is, and what it actually does just as a scientist would. What it factually is, what information and data can we discern about thought from the observation of thought itself?



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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