Is Psychological Time Required to Change?
When we’re born our world is the world of our primary caregiver or givers. Our experience is made up of whatever, or whoever they are in the way that they “appear in/to us” and “imprint on us”. So an infant’s world are the faces, behaviors, and energies of its caretakers. The “remembrance” or “memory” of the experience of these caretakers remains in us as our own conditioning, typically for our entire lives (This also appears to imply that what we “are” is the “sum” of others.)
It would then appear to follow that our primary caregivers are “made up of their primary caregivers”, therefore, their “experience of us” would appear to occur through the filters of the psychological conditioning/imprinting they intern received as children. So how we “appear in/to them” appears to be how they appeared to their primary caregivers. In this way, there appears to be a stream of continuity of consciousness which flows downward.
This would then imply that the “original source” of this consciousness, whomever the original primary caregivers where, is essentially how we “still are”. This is to say that the original psychological conditioning, or way(s) of “how to be” in the world, are “still at work and alive today in this moment”. It may now be appropriate to mention that the conditioning/programming we receive stems from each’s persistent thought as a separate, autonomous “I”.
It would appear obvious why we keep repeating the same conflicts over, and over, and over, again as this original “way of how to be” in the world is in perpetual conflict with “the way things really are” in the world.
Therefore, since the conditioning is only ever continually “re-acting” in the present, it would imply that to change what we “have been”, which is still “what we are at present”, can only happen in the present.
Is any of this true?
Please examine this for yourself without any motive, for if you have a motive it will dictate the answer.