Will Voting Solve Our Problem? Or Might It Make It Worse?
In order for “voting” to “work” there has to be “trust”, and both sides must agree to honor and abide by the outcome.
The problem is that, going into this election the air is already “charged” with the tension that comes with living in a constant state of conflict. The conflict manifesting in the way that each side already mis-trusts and loathes the other.
What we appear to be witnessing now is the mass break-down of trust, as well as increase in suspicion within our society which leads to a very tense and potentially deadly atmosphere. Just look at history, because it appears to be repeating itself here, but this time in a “country” called “America.”
Many are now looking for the system that gave us Donald Trump to take him away.
The problem with voting in general is that it’s based on the idea, or notion of “counting”, that “every voice does count”. Because of the nature of thought and the law of opposites, we also have the creation and existence of the opposite notion in the form of “every voice does not count”. Being that the present atmosphere is charged with a lack of trust and increase in suspicion, it is now fertile ground for the manifestation of the opposite phenomena.
Therefore, the entire process eternally lives within the shadow and specter of this opposite which in tern winds up manifesting as “voter fraud”, “voter suppression”, “voter corruption”, etc.. There’s always the existence of the opposite. Can’t have one side without also having the other as this is “wholeness” and “wholeness” is “truth.”
Please look at this for yourself.