My Letter To The Support Staff — Subject: “Please Help”

Concerned Global Citizen
4 min readJun 25, 2020

Disclaimer: I’m not sure if this can be classified as an “ordinary” email.


I have been a writer on for the past year or so.

I started writing because I suddenly came to “see” something…, an immense thing that could potentially affect all life on the planet, and I wanted to share this message with the entire world.

My publications are located here to read what it is I’m trying to convey to the entire planet.

The message I’m trying to share is not an “ordinary” message, and as such, as I attempt to convey it to you here it’s going to sound totally and completely crazy, and you will more than likely stop reading this email right here, dismiss, and then delete it, but things are getting so bad that I’m getting pretty desperate.

The problem I’m having with all of this so far is that…, I really, really, very strongly sense and feel that our time on this planet is running out rather quickly now.

I started writing to convey what it is that I’m seeing in the hopes of reaching massive amounts of people in a very short time.

Here’s where I hope you can help me.

I’m beginning to realize that perhaps your platform is using certain algorithms to select/deselect certain stories for greater visibility. I understand that you most likely operate on a “for profit” basis, and that the world being presently what it is demands that we acquire, possess, and accumulate money. My writing is not intended to generate money in any way as this message must be freely available FOR ALL.

You see, this matter is of such grave and immense importance that I’m really having difficulty even uttering the crux of it to you here because I’m having difficulty believing you’ll even take me seriously.

This matter burns in me now like a fire where it once was just a smoldering ember, and now consumes my life in such a way that I feel it is my only purpose for being on this planet. And I think that anybody who “sees” what I’m “seeing” would do the same.

So, all that being said I will attempt now to explain the heart of the matter.

I had been listening to and watching J. Krishnamurti on and off for about the last ten years. Most of the time I listened to him I had great difficulty in understanding what he was saying, but there was something in his energy, in his voice, and in his message that kept me hanging in there and trying to understand what it was he was saying.

Well, one day in — I think it was February of last year, something happened. At some point in my listening, something “clicked” and from that moment on I “saw” what Krishnamurti was talking about…, what he was pointing too.

The other aspect to this “seeing” that contributes immensely to this burning within me, is that with being able to “see” the source of the problem, one is also able to see the “solution” to the problem. The solution to the problem is contained within the problem itself, however the requirement for getting at the solution is that you must first be able to “acknowledge” the problem.

There really is one root problem to all our problems on this planet, and I can barely type that sentence because I know how preposterous and just absurd it sounds, but it is true. The reason I say it is true is because I can “see” that it’s true, and this ability to “see” is not something that belongs just to me, this ability also belongs to you and everyone on this planet. Any and every human being is able to look and see for themselves.

I gravely fear that we are fast approaching an irreversible “tipping point” on this planet. I also vehemently feel that each of us, as citizens of the planet first and foremost, and as human beings in possession of the tremendous power and faculty that is also the source of all our problems, have an immense responsibility to say something when we “see” something.

The authorities are constantly telling us that “If we see something, say something” right?

That’s really what this email boils down to…, I’m seeing something immense that’s totally devastating, shocking, and horrifying heading our way right now, and I’m attempting to sound the alarm.

The aspect of this seeing that’s different from anything else is that it’s not thought. It’s not just another idea, or ideology. It exists independently of thought. It lies outside of everyone the same way the laws of physics, science and mathematics also lies independently outside of us. This is totally akin to this. This is pure logic. Pure logical inference.

Therefore all that is required, which I do understand is still quite a tall order, is for someone to be able to observe what is actually presently occurring in any given moment. This would be the sort of observation that is similar to what scientists do when they “discover” something. Actually, it is the same exact thing.

So again, I guess what I’m asking if you could do here, is help get this word out to the entire world somehow so that we can ALL “SEE” this before we destroy ALL LIFE on this planet.

Thank you very much for any time and attention you might give to this matter, I think the whole world could stand to benefit immensely from it.


Concerned Global Citizen



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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