Our Desire For Security Is What Actually Prevents Us From Having It

Concerned Global Citizen
2 min readAug 9, 2020

We think that to have things remain as they are — static and unchanging, is where we can find security, but let’s look a bit more closely.

Upon further inspection it appears that through the maintaining of the “status-quo”, or reaching some form of idealized goal we seek to either continue to hold on to security, or hopefully, eventually “one day” obtain it.

The utterly dreadful and deadly irony of this phenomenon is that in actuality, it is “precisely” our inability to change, or our desire to remain as we are, our “static — ness” that is threatening our demise. Our inability to meat life’s challenges being the result of the crippling effect of thought as “beliefs”, as opposed to being open, accepting, and empty to receive whatever it is that life has for us in any given moment where we then “respond” to “what is” in each moment precisely as it requires.

As has been discussed many times already, desiring anything always produces its opposite as all things in creation exist as pairs of opposites as per the law of opposites.

Yet we cling to the unchanging and “dead” known ever more in an effort to obtain some security from it, all the while being driven by the insecurity that this process is actually creating.

Woefully we continue round on this downward spiral deeper into hell on this planet.



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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