Our Very Way Of Life Is Hurtful
Our very way of life produces hurt and injures. Our very way of life is itself injurious. Just our daily living produces hurt, pain, injury and great suffering.
We live our lives in constant competition, comparison, and struggle.We have to constantly “compete” for jobs. This entails constantly being “measured” and “compared” and worried if you’ll ever “measure up”, “make it”, earn the “privilege” that it is to have a job and earn money to feed, shelter, cloth, yourself.
Furthermore, after having the good fortune to be chosen for a job, the thought of somehow loosing the job lurks, and looms in the back of our mind like the boogie-man under the bed. Because too “have” any “thing”, must also create its opposite, or negative as “not to have” said thing, as per the law of opposites. Because there exists this constant ethos of “measuring up”, we must constantly worry about “falling short”, or “shrinking to a loosing size”, as well as “maintaining a winning size”.
I can’t get over the fact that our society, or the governing “powers that be” whomever they are, dictates that we have money in order to have physical security and survive, yet we’re not guaranteed to get money? Ergo, therefore, society is constantly implying that “we’re not guaranteed to survive”, “we’re not guaranteed to have our basic needs met”??
Am I the only one who sees this as an automatic stress inducer? I mean this very basis of our existence itself breeds anxiety, fear, anger, depression, all stemming from either the actual physical insecurity, or the the anxiety of the looming threat of it.
This mental state of course creates both, the burning mental desire for security, and the fear of loosing, or not obtaining it.
This generated fear and desire for money and security then goes on to cause humans to engage in all manner and manifestations of corrupt, despicable, indifferent, evil, violent, and brutal acts against themselves and all life on the planet, including the planet itself.
It really is difficult to fathom that all of this…, all of this mass of human disfunction and misery is the result of a single root cause. That cause being the mis-understanding and mis-use of the of the most powerful tool on the planet…, thought.