“Poisoned For Profit”

The Whole Notion of “Personal” Enrichment Places Everything that is “Not Personal” at Risk.

Every time a disgusting, vile, poison-belching, fossil-fuel burning automobile of some kind drives by while outside one is forced to hold their breath or be gagged by some toxic cloud …because of money.

It would seam that the whole debate about whether fossil fuel burning is a major contributing factor to global warming is utterly moot. Just look at what comes out of the end of a tail pipe…, its non-other than pure toxicity and sheer wretchedness being dumped wholesale into the air that all living things need to survive, including us! We’re constantly poisoning ourselves, and for the most part, we’re ok with it!!!

For christ’s sake…, people commit suicide with the stuff by closing their garages while the poison machine runs. It seems so obvious that from the beginning this was a bad idea.

People can be seen exercising all the time along busy streets and highways jogging, biking, rollerblading, etc.. Don’t they realize they’re probably doing a net detriment to their overall health breathing all this shit in?

No wonder there appears to be an explosion in deadly illnesses like cancer, we’re constantly dumping poison into our environment! Just look at the multitude of poisonous chemicals and substances we make. It seems like just about every product bought now-a-days has California’s Proposition 65 warning on it! And the scientific establishment keeps telling us “it’s our genes”. Well, what effects genes!!!

Or landfills? Who’s great idea was this??? The degree of filth we pile higher than mountains and dump in our streams, rivers, and oceans is truly astounding.

We are so contradictory. We value the “pristine beauty” of the Earth in one spot(e.g. vacation spots, national parks, etc.) and shit all over it in another.

Who decided all of this was O.K. in the first place!!





Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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