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Relationship: The Mirror Of Life

Concerned Global Citizen


In order to have an idea or image of ourselves, to think of ourselves in terms of “who and what we are”, it appears we must also think of ourselves in terms of “who and what we are not.” That is, we are defined by what we are not, just as much as we are defined by what we are.

This is where our dependence for existence on everyone, and everything else comes into view.

To look a little more deeply, try to see when you think of yourself. How exactly does it happen? How exactly do you know, or are you able to recognize when your thoughts are about yourself?

For me, its usually when I’m thinking of myself in comparison to something, or somebody else. That is, my ability to think of myself depends on the act of comparing what I think I am, to the other.

So myself, the “I”, appears only to exist in a state, or field of constant contrast.



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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