We are Literally “Killing Ourselves” in the Chasing of Security
Since our beginnings it seems, we have been, and continue to be living on a planet who’s dominant species is “collectively suiciding”.
In addition to the constant state of conflict we live in, both internally and externally(because the two are really one movement), It may readily be seen that the destruction of the Earth and most, if not all, of its inhabitants is due to the greed of mankind and the lust for money.
Is money not just a product or creation of thought? We are destroying the one thing that is real, the Earth and life itself, for a creation of our minds.
Is money not just another word for “security”?
Therefore, is this statement true or false??
Please look to see the truth for yourself, the truth as the “fact of what is”, the fact of what actually exists.
Imagine if we saw that there was no security to be found in any creation of thought, and also saw that our true security lied in one another and our mother the Earth, then all the energy, attention, concern, care, preoccupation, interest, etc. that money now receives would be directed to one another and the planet.
If this where the case today, do you think the world might in any way be different than the way it is now??
We will never know lasting peace as long as we are seeking security in creations of thought.
Is any of this true?
Please examine this for yourself without any motive, for if you have a motive it will dictate the answer.