We Are Our Environment, And Our Environment Is Us


Let’s look at this together. This is how it looks to me: It seems like when we’re born, we “become” our environment as it is poured into us via our primary care givers. By putting our “whole” attention on them we in essence…, become them as we “take in”, or “experience” them. We become their reflection. Their impression, their imprint.

We become the part of them that is external to themselves which then calls into question the entire notion of there even being an “outside” that is “separate” from our “inside.” We become their reflection, and they intern become ours.

We then grow up and gradually start turning that inside out into the “outside” by “going out into the world” and “making our mark.” We then become the “outside” as we influence and shape it through our relationship towards, and with it. And then again, that influenced and shaped outside returns back into us, and the cycle repeats endlessly like the waves of the ocean.



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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