“All Life Matters” — How Bout We Stop Killing Ourselves And Destroying All Life On Earth?

Concerned Global Citizen
4 min readJun 5, 2020

We are brutal, violent creatures that have been killing each other and all forms of life for thousands of years right up to the present.

Human’s have a history of having a disregard for life in general on this planet. We kill each other continuously along myriad of “lines”, or divisions with the presently most topical being “racial”. But all over the world humans are killing humans along religious lines, cultural lines, tribal lines, ethnic lines, political lines, ideological lines, ad infinitum. Jut to put it succinctly and bluntly… we kill. If there’s one thing we’re good at, it’s death and destruction as it really appears to come quite easily for us. Our very way of life is violent and constantly breeds violence, through conformity, comparison, and competition. To believe, or call oneself to be an “American”, or a “Russian”, or a “Canadian”, etc., is also an act of violence as it is the act of separating oneself from the rest of mankind. We constantly espouse one form of violence or another.

We’re war-like. It’s a part of our culture. On one hand states sanction and condone the use of force and killing of humans that belong to different countries, groups, organizations, etc., but then attempt to control the unwanted killing of its own people in other situations. So governments, cultures, societies say “it’s ok to kill in certain situations and circumstances, but not others.”

We can’t say end violence in one place, but continue the violence in another and expect to not be violent everywhere. Violence against one human, no matter the race, religion, ethnicity, creed, whatever…, is violence against all humans. How bout we recognize that killing is killing, and life is life, and that all life matters?

We glorify violence. Just observe how prevalent it is as a form of “entertainment”. We celebrate “ware”, “victory”, and “glory”. Observe the love of firearms, look at all the massacres and mass shootings that have taken the lives of woman, children, and the elderly alike. We kill anybody and everybody. We kill, we kill, we kill. Why can’t we just admit that violence is a deeply engrained and rooted aspect of human existence on this plane? Just please see and acknowledge this.

We’ve become cold, insensitive, callous and cruel. We kill and destroy for inanimate creations of thought. We celebrate and glorify violence. It is a form of entertainment for us. All humans, from all walks of life. We live on a brutal, hostile, violent, and dark planet of our own making. On all continents, there are acts of brutality and violence continuously being carried out in one form or another weather it be by rag-tag groups of armed militias fighting for one cause or another, the violence of brutal dictatorial regimes against its own people, or outright wars against one another.

We’ve been going around, and around, and around, and around, and around in this nightmare circle for thousands, and thousands of years causing untold amounts of psychological and physical pain and suffering. When will it truly end? Will it truly end? Can it truly end, or are we just damned and doomed to suffer on this planet until we destroy ourselves and the planet itself?

The sooner we humans can acknowledge and accept this “fact” of existence on this planet, the sooner real change can actually finally occur. Once we accept that we humans are violent as a “fact” we can then begin to inquire into why it is we’ve been living this way and if it might at all be possible to live a different way on this planet. Once we are able to inquire, then we’re able to “look” and observe in an impartial, and nonjudgemental way as a scientist would. We then have a chance of understanding the true, root cause of all of the brutality and violence.

However, this is the challenge. This violence and brutality has been going on for so long, is so ingrained, and is such a deep part of the human psyche that we almost just blithely accept it as unavoidable. Or, some sort of thinking quickly enters that concludes the cause is due to one thing or another, and then since the cause is already “known” there is no further inquiry and the door is effectively “shut”. Case closed. We just put our heads down and continue to muddle through this miserable existence. Here then in lies the problem. The problem is in the programming, the conditioning, humanity’s ability to “think”.

To overcome violence on this planet will take an “inner-revolution”, a total and complete transformation in human consciousness of the likes never before seen on this planet.



Concerned Global Citizen
Concerned Global Citizen

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